产品名称: 回收MS8604A收购MS8604A频谱分析仪
英文名称: MS8604A
产品编号: MS8604A
产品价格: 0
产品产地: 安立
品牌商标: MS8604A
更新时间: 2023-09-21T15:05:32
使用范围: null
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- 地址 : 深圳市龙华民治留仙大道2号天辅星大厦501
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回收MS8604A收购MS8604A频谱分析仪回收MS8604A收购MS8604A频谱分析仪回收MS8604A收购MS8604A频谱分析仪回收MS8604A收购MS8604A频谱分析仪回收MS8604A收购MS8604A频谱分析仪 ★100Hz~8.5GHz ★由单一系统评估主发射机功能 ★与NADC,PDC,PHS,数字MCA, GSM, DCS1800(PCN), CT2, DECT,WCPE,PACS,RCR STD-39 TETRA系统及GMSK和π/4 DQPSK通用测量软件相兼容; ★高速测量(调制精度测量小于1s) ★输入共10W(内部有用于高功率测量的20dB衰减器及功率计 技术指标 General Frequency range 100Hz to 8.5GHz Maz.input level (continuous wave average power) +40dBm(10W) Reference oscillator Frequency:10MHz Starting characteristics:≤5×0.00000001/day(option:≤2×0.00000001/day after30 min.warm-up) *After 10min.of warm-up,compared to the frequency after 24-hour warm-up Aging rate:≤2×0.00000001/day(option:≤5×0.000000001/year) *Compared to the frequency after 24-hour warm-up Temperature characteristics:5×0.00000001/day(option:3×0.00000001/day) *0to 50℃,relative to the frequency at 25℃ Spectrum anallyzer Frequency Setting range:100Hz to 8.5GHz(resolution:1Hz),0to 2GHz(freq.band:0),1.7to7.5GHz(freq.band:1-),6.5to 8.5GHz(freq.band:1+) Preselector range:1.7to 8.5GHz (bands:1-/1+) Display accuracy:±(display freq.×reference freq.accuracy+span×span accuracy) Span Setting range:0Hz,100Hz to 8.5GHz Accuracy: ±2.5%(span≥1kHz),±5%(100Hz≤span<1kHz) RBW Setting range:10Hz to 3MHz(3dB),1-3serqence Accuracy:±20% Selectivity(60/3dB);≤15:1(100kHz to 3MHz),≤12:1(10Hz to 30kHz) VBW:1Hz to 3MHz,off,1-3 seqrence Signal purity(SSB,1MHz to 4GHz): ≤-100dBc/Hz(10kHz offset,≤-115dBc/Hz(50kHz offset),≤-120dBc/Hz(100kHzoffset) Spec- trum analyzer Ampl- itude Level Level measuring range:Average:Average noiselevl to +40dBm Average noise level:≤-112dBm(10MHz to 8.5Ghz,RBW 10Hz,VBW 1Hz,input att.setting20dB) Residual reponse:≤-75dBm(1MHz to 8.5GHz,input att.setting 20dB) Reference level Setting range:-80to +40dBm Accuracy:±0.5dB(-30to +20dBm),±0.75dB(-40to -30dBm,+20to +40dBm),±1.5dB(-60to-40dBm) *After calibration and at freq.100Mhz,span≤2MHz,and in auto mode for inputatt ,RBW,VBW and sweep time settings RBW switching error(after calibration):±0.3dB(RBW:≤300kHz), Frequency reponse ±0.5dB(100MHz to 2GHz,band:0),±1dB(1.7to8.5GHz,bands:1-/1+) Linearity( after calibration) LOG:±0.3dB(0to -20dB,RBW:≤100kHz),±1.5dB(0to-80dB,RBW≤10kHz) LIN:±5%(to reference level) Dynamic range 2nd harmonics: ≤-70dBc(5to 800MHz,band:0,mixer input level:-30dBm) ≤-80dBc(800to 850MHz,band:0,mixer input level:-30dBm), ≤-90dBc(850MHz to 2.1GHz,bands:1-,mixer input level:-10dBm) Two-signal third-ouder intermodulation distortion:≤-70dBc(10to 50MHz),≤-85dBc(50MHzto 2.1GHz) *Frequency difference between two signals≥50kHz,mixer input level:-30dBm Sweep Sweep time Setting range:20ms to 1000s(TRACE-FREQ,data points:NORMAL),50ms to 1000s at other conditions Accuracy:±10%(20ms to 200s),±15%(200 to 1000s) Sweep mode:CONTINUOUS,SINGLE Trigger:FREE RUN,TRIGGERED Trigger source:VIDEO,LINE,EXT(±10V),EXT(TTL) Gate mode(OFF,random sweep mode) GATE DELAY:0to 65.5ms(in 1μs steps,GATE END:INT) GATE END:INT/EXT Time domain waveform display Sweep fime:50,100to 900μs(data point:NORMAL,Onemost significant digit can be set.) 1ms to 1000s(data point:NORMAL,Two most significant digits can be set) 100,200to800μs(data point:DOUBLE,One most significant digit can be set aseven number.) 1ms to 1000s(data point:DOUBLE,Two most significant digits can be set aseven number.) Delay time Pre-trigger.-time span to 0s(in 1point steps) Post trgger:0to 65.5ms(in 1μssteps) Amplitude display resolution:50μsto 49ms,10bits*0.1%of full scale) 50ms to 1000s,14bits(0.01%of full scale) Detection mode POS PEAK,SAMPLE,NEG PEAK Number of points NOUMAL:501 points,DOUBLE:1002points AM/FM demodu- lation Demodulated waveform display and monitoringdemodulated audio signal with internal speaker Auxiliary inputs/ outputs IF output21.4MHz:-10dBm±2dB(at top of screen,with output terminated by 50Ωteminator),BNC connector Youtput:0to 0.5V±0.1V(at range between top and bottom of screen,LOG:10dB/div,LIN:10%/div,100MHz and with output terminated by 75Ω terminator),BNC connector External trgger input Input1:max.±10V(in 0.1V steps, rising/falling edges selectable and pulse width≥10μs),BNC connector Input2:TTL level(rising/falling edges selectable and pulse width≥10μs, )BNC connector Power meter Frequency range 100kHz to 5.5GHz Level range -20to +20dBm Instrumentation accuracy ±0.5% Zero set ±0.5% of full scale at most sensitive range(100μW range) Zero shift between ranges ±0.2% of full scale zero setting at mostsensitive range Calibration oscillator Freq:50MHz,Output:1.00mW,Accuracy:±1.2% Applicable power sensor MA4601A Others Display 640×400dot,9-inch EL Inputs/outputs on rear panel Reference input:10MHz±10Hz,2to 5Vp-p, ≥50Ω,BNC connector Reference buffer output:10MHz,2to 3Vp-p(with the output terminated by 200Ω terminator),BNC connector Separate video output:Compatible with 8-pin DIN connector External memory One slot for can be connected Save/recall Internal memory(4sets of spectrum and Tx test conditions),can save/recall setting conditions at extemal memory(PMC) Direct plotting Can hard-copy screen via GPIB2 External control GPIB1 (IEEE488.2) As device controlled by host,all functions except power swetch Controls other instruments as controller using PTA SH1,AH1,T6,L4,SR1,RL1,PP0,DC1,DT1, C0(C1,C2,C3,and C24with PTA) GPIB2 (IEEE488.1) Controls other instruments as controller SH1,AH1,T6,L4,SR1,RL1,PP0,DC1,DT1 ,C1,C2,C3,C4,C28 I/O port Output port A/B:8-bit(TTL level), Input/Output port C/C:4-bit(TTL level), EXclusive port:3-bit(TTL level) Control signal:4(TTL level),+5V output:Max.50mA RS-232C (Option 02) Controls other instruments as controller PTA Language PTL:High level languaeg interpreter based on BASIC Programming Using external keyboard Program memory On PMC or FD Upload/download from/to PC Programming capacity 900KB Operating temperature 0°to 50℃ Power 85to 132/170 to 250Vac,47.5 to 63Hz ,≤500VA Dimensions and mass 426(W)×221.5(H)×451(D)mm,≤27kg EMC*1 EN55011:1991,Group1,ClassA EN50082-1:1992 Safety EN61010-1:1993(Installation CategoryII ,Pollution DegreeII) 联系人:姚小姐:电话13510169620 QQ:1946418560 廖先生13590256385 QQ:785298834 公司:深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司 地址:深圳市龙华新区民治留仙大道2号天辅星大厦5楼501室