产品名称: 荧光定量PCR检测系统
产品编号: Opticon
产品价格: 0
产品产地: 美国杰姆理瑟有限公司北京代表处
更新时间: null
使用范围: null
Intuitive analysis software: Quantify samples against known standards during cycling, then analyze melting curves to specifically identify products.
Real-time results: Plot signal intensity vs. cycle number and graphically monitor the thermal profile during the run.
Gradient capability: Save time and expensive reagents by optimizing temperatures in a single experiment. Program a temperature gradient as small as 1癈 or up to 24癈 across the 12 columns of the sample block.
High signal-to-noise ratio: Detect less than 5nM Fluorescein.
Single base resolution: Detect single base changes using melting curves.
Single template detection: Detect as little as one starting copy.
Large dynamic range: Seven orders of magnitude linear dynamic range of starting copy number. No need for dilution over a broad range of concentrations.
96-sample capacity: Simultaneously run from 1 to 96 samples.
Standard microplates and strip tubes: Specialized disposables are not required.
Compact footprint: Comfortably fits on any lab bench.