领导这一研究的是波士顿大学生物医学工程学教授James Collins,这位科学家是合成生物学的创始人之一,在基因调控,抗生素研究等方面取得重要的成果,还曾发明过一种振动鞋垫,能帮助老年人行走更加稳健。
在这篇文章中,研究人员发现些代谢刺激(包括葡萄糖和丙酮酸盐)能增强氨基糖苷类抗生素(包括庆大霉素)对休眠细菌的灭杀——细菌细胞能进入一种休眠状态,这使它们对压力状态、包括被抗生素杀死更有抵抗力。在临床环境中,这种持留菌(persister bacteria)的形成会导致细菌病原体清除不完全,导致治疗失败。
Metabolite-enabled eradication of bacterial persisters by aminoglycosides
Bacterial persistence is a state in which a sub-population of dormant cells, or ‘persisters’, tolerates antibiotic treatment1, 2, 3, 4. Bacterial persisters have been implicated in biofilms and in chronic and recurrent infections5, 6, 7. Despite this clinical relevance, there are currently no viable means for eradicating persisters. Here we show that specific metabolic stimuli enable the killing of both Gram-negative (Escherichia coli) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) persisters with aminoglycosides. This potentiation is aminoglycoside-specific, it does not rely on growth resumption and it is effective in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. It proceeds by the generation of a proton-motive force which facilitates aminoglycoside uptake. Our results demonstrate that persisters, although dormant, are primed for metabolite uptake, central metabolism and respiration. We show that aminoglycosides can be used in combination with specific metabolites to treat E. coli and S. aureus biofilms. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this approach can improve the treatment of chronic infections in a mouse urinary tract infection model. This work establishes a strategy for eradicating bacterial persisters that is based on metabolism, and highlights the importance of the metabolic environment to antibiotic treatment.